Cozumel Relief will be hosting "A Party with a Purpose" as a major fundraising event for families in Cozumel affected by Hurricane Wilma.
It is being held on 13 December 2005 in Plano, Texas and a new Harley Davidson Sportster motorbike is up for grabs in their raffle. See their website to buy a ticket or for information on how to make a donation:
To help Cozumel's children, why not bring some school supplies with you when you visit? The Chrysalis Group are looking for coloured pencils and markers, pencil sharpeners, round point scissors, compasses, protractors and white ink erasers. You can drop things off at Paradise Beach or the mini-golf downtown.
The Mexican Red Cross has been instrumental in Cozumel's recovery. If you'd like to make a donation it can be paid into their Mexican bank account or look out for the Red Cross stand in the downtown plaza.