Advertorial articles - $199+
Promote your business in full with a professionally written This is Cozumel advertorial with photos.
Research has shown that articles influence readers more than conventional advertising, so this is the perfect way to get your messages across and entertain readers at the same time.
You may also request to reproduce the article to use in your other forms of marketing, for example, you could link to it from your own website, reinforcing your company's credibility.
Advertorial articles appear on the homepage at time of publishing and are included in our email news updates that go to more than 5,300 active subscribers, as well as being featured on our Facebook page, Twitter and Google+ networks.
The article will eventually drop off our homepage but will remain permanently online at the same URL. Great for Google indexing.
Prices depend on the amount of research, writing and photography required.
If you need more information please contact us or take a look at our visitor statistics.